A confession and a question

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A confession and a question

Postby shevrock » Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:46 pm

IT doesn't seem like there are too many real people left here, not surprising considering the age of the site, but I was kicking around here in 07-08. I was a young, really dumb, kid. I ended p never getting into airsoft for a variety of reason, divorce, school, work, mental health, more mental health, then just money. I planned on getting a spring airsoft rifle to be like the awesome snipers on youtube. Again, never happened. I ended up getting into writing and hardcore PC gaming. still haven't published a book or made it into major esports events but I've written 4 books, tons more in progress, and enjoy gaming with my friends. In the end i just want to say sorry for being an idiot in the dark ages.

Now to the question. I figure to start out i'll get a cheap cyma shotgun, hold on for just a second, the full metal one. I'm doing this because it's
A. cheap AF
B. relatively hardy
C. My eyes are crap and I can't see very far so a bit of spread is only going to improve my hit ratio
D. I plan on getting a semi-decent hi-cappa to go with it

So the question is, what's a decent sub 200 HI-cappa that won't break the bank on mags? i was honestly looking at the novristch, but the shipping on those is...a pain. I remember KWA was cool, but not 100% sure theirs are still decent. Also what's a good full seal face mask that works with glasses and a big head?

P.S also i might just get one of the airsoft g.i starter packages instead. Also are mp7's still a thing? don't see as many in the stores online.

STEAM: Shevrock
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